Schedule Recovery
Pronto Hex Converter
Pronto Hex Generator

Note: This software is no longer being actively maintained. The functionality provided by this tool (and much more) is also available in the "Infrared toolbox" of the HomeVisionXL software. Since HomeVisionXL will now also run in a Windows environment, there is no need anymore to maintain both applications. So please have a look at HomeVisionXL for the latest developments in generating infrared codes for the HomeVision controller.


The HomeVision Controller can learn and transmit almost all infrared signals currently in use by infrared remote controls. However most infrared remote controls will send signals that toggle the device between two or more states. For a piece of equipment like the HomeVision Controller it is more useful to send discrete codes.

Discrete codes for many devices can be found in Pronto format at RemoteCentral. All that is needed now is a tool to convert from Pronto codes to HomeVision codes.

Fortunately the Pronto raw code format had already been described by Barry Gordon, so I only had to figure out the HomeVision Infrared signal format.

Dennis Armstrong provided some useful information on the RC5 code format, and Manfred Boehmel has a very nice web page about the SIRCS protocol. Ruud Linders first provided information about the RC6 mode 0 protocol and later wrote the code for the RC6 mode A, Onkyo and JVC protocols.

The conversion tool was created in tcl/tk. Tcl/tk is a versatile scripting language with a graphical toolkit that makes creating a cool looking graphical application very easy. It's absolutely free and available for many Unix's, Windows as well as the Macintosh, so really everybody should install it on their computer. It can be downloaded from the tcl/tk resource.

The script allows Pronto codes to be pasted into an editing area, converted and saved as a HomeVision .irl file. If HomeVision software (either the original Windows version or HomeVisionXL) is running on the same network with a HomeVision Controller connected, the tool will even make it possible to test the converted signals before saving them to a .irl file.


  • Linux, Macintosh or a 32 bits Windows version. It may work on other Unix versions as well, I just haven't tried it.
  • Tcl/tk version 8.3.2 or higher. If you don't want to compile your own tcl/tk, you can download the ActiveTcl binaries or get the appropriate Tclkit for your platform.


Download version 1.9 of irledit.tcl.gz (size: 8146 bytes) file and unzip it. It only contains one file: the irledit.tcl script.



Just execute wish irledit.tcl. If your wish executable is located in /usr/bin, you can even make the script executable and run it.


With tcl/tk installed, the .tcl extension is associated with the wish executable, so just double click on the irledit.tcl file.


Thanks to Doug Smith the editor now also works on Macintosh. The easiest way to install the tool is to drag irledit.tcl on top of the "Drag & Drop Tclets" icon, which comes with the Mac version of tcl. It prompts you for a name then creates a clickable application.


The program creates a window as shown below:

Basic steps

  1. Paste (or type) the Pronto code into the editing area below "Pronto infrared signal data:"
  2. Click "Analyze Signal"
  3. Select the desired duration of the signal from the "Duration:" menu and if desired, change the duty cycle value.
  4. For RC5 and RC6 signals, choose the desired level of the RC5/6 code format toggle bit.
  5. Enter a name in the box below "Signal name:" and optionally a description in the box labeled "Description:"
  6. Click the Add button.
  7. Choose "Delete all" from the Edit menu
  8. Repeat steps 1 through 6 for other signals you like to add
  9. Choose "Save as..." from the File menu. This will pop up a standard file save dialogue.
  10. Enter a filename and click the Save button
  11. Exit the application by selecting "Exit" from the File menu.
The created .irl file can be imported into a HomeVision schedule by using the "Import" button on the Infrared Remote Control Signals window (Objects/Events -> Infrared Signals) of the HomeVision application.

Enhanced features

Generating codes

There is a small utility available that can generate the pronto codes for RC5, RC6 (mode 0), RC6 (mode A), SIRCS, Onkyo and JVC signals. When the user selects the appropriate entry from the Tools menu, a dialogue box will pop up prompting for a system code and a command code. After these have been entered the pronto representation of the signal will appear in the input window. This data can subsequently be analyzed and saved in the same way as data that was pasted into the window.

Connecting to HomeVision software

The tool has the ability to connect to the standard HomeVision application using the "Remote Internet Access" feature which became available in version 3.1 of the HomeVision software. To be able to use this feature you must have the HomeVision application running and configured as a Remote Internet server. Make sure the server is running.

By selecting the "Connect" entry in the File menu of the Infrared Signal editor a dialogue window will pop up. Here you can specify the details of the HomeVision Remote Internet Server. When all the information is entered, clicking the OK button will cause the tool to try to setup the connection to the HomeVision application. Any problems encountered while setting up the connection will be reported in the status bar at the bottom of the main window. If the connection is accepted, the dialogue window will disappear.

When a connection to the HomeVision application is available, the "Load into HomeVision" button will be enabled after signal analysis is complete. If this button is invoked, the signal data is transferred to the HomeVision controller through the HomeVision application. If this transfer is successful the "Transmit Test" button becomes available. Clicking this button will send a command to the HomeVision controller to transmit the infrared signal once.

To test a different duty cycle value, just enter the new value in the Duty cycle box and click the "Transmit Test" button again. When the duration value has been changed, the signal must be loaded into the HomeVision Controller again for the change to take effect.

Details on how the connection to the HomeVision controller and the infrared signal download are accomplished can be found in a seperate document. This information is only presented for people who like to know how it works. It is totally irrelevant for anyone who just wants to use the tool.

Last modified: 27 December 2005, 14:19 CET

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